Is Marijuana A Natural PCOS Treatment?

Is Marijuana a Natural PCOS Treatment? An estimate suggests that “PCOS affects 8 to 20 per cent of women worldwide, and Doctors believe 5 million women in the U.S. If you prefer a natural approach to treat the PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and its symptoms, then you must feel fortunate enough to know that cannabis has shown promising effects on treating it. Surprisingly, PCOS is estimated to affect millions of women; but its causes and treatment are still poorly understood. Many cases of PCOS go undiagnosed. You must understand what PCOS is? It is a complex hormonal disorder in women that affects many females in the childbearing age. You can come to know how cannabis can provide you with much-needed relief for PCOS by visiting Los Angeles Medical Center. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are similar to those secreted by your body's endocannabinoid system. In every physiological system, there exist a series of receptors, which works to achieve a state of homeostasis. Cannabis interacts with these endocannabinoids to elicit responses that can bring your body back into balance. However, you should always speak to a marijuana doctor who can assess your condition and determine how cannabis treatment can help to improve your health. If you’re a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome, you can visit Los Angeles Medical Center and find out if cannabis treatment option is right for you. Thus, you can begin your medication with a certified doctor's recommendation.

He supports the legalization of the drug. They will put no more people in jail for an ounce of weed (marijuana) or a couple of joints(marijuana cigarettes). Yes, I think it’s a good deal that it is legalized. No one knows how federal law enforcement will react to the new state laws in Washington and Colorado. The United States Department of Justice has promised a statement soon. Lawyer Pete Holmes hopes officials will wait and see how these social experiments develop. Now we turn to California. Officials there are watching the marijuana law developments in Washington State closely. And the people of California are debating the limits of marijuana use. Kelly Jean Kelly has more. Harborside Health Center is the nation’s largest supplier of medical marijuana. The Oakland, California, dispensary pays millions of dollars each year in state and local taxes. Oakland city officials support the work of the center.

Harborside has also paid millions of dollars in legal costs to fight federal efforts to close it. But, co-founder Steve DeAngelo says the move toward nationwide legalization of marijuana has begun. The real question is, how is it going to be legalized? What is this new industry going to look like? How are we going to regulate it? The city of Los Angeles already has more than 1,000 unsupervised marijuana dispensaries and more are opening. Even supporters of the centers say the situation is out of control. A simple headache, or difficulty sleeping, can result in a doctor’s recommendation for medical marijuana. Bill Rosendahl is a member of the Los Angeles city council. He says marijuana has helped him deal with cancer. He supports a proposal called Proposition D. It would reduce the number of dispensaries in Los Angeles to 135. Mr. Rosendahl says it would protect and bring order to an industry that has helped him. Public opinion surveys have shown that 70 percent of Californians support medical marijuana.

A narrow majority supports fully legalizing the drug, as Colorado and Washington have done. But the drug is still illegal under federal law. Today’s marijuana is powerful. Psychologist Steve Freng works with drug treatment programs in the Seattle area for the federal government. He says pot contains more of the psychoactive chemical THC in it now than it did in the past. Marijuana these days is not the marijuana that was out there when I was in high school and college. Modern marijuana can have 15 to 20 percent THC and, as with alcohol, there are problems of abuse and use by children. But the debate here is not about banning the drug, says marijuana dispensary founder, Steve DeAngelo. It’s no longer a question about where or not cannabis is going to be legalized. He says the question now is how marijuana will be legalized. And, Americans are waiting for an answer from federal officials. I’m Kelly Jean Kelly. And that’s As It Is for today. Thanks for joining us.


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